No, its about 19% lower (R17.9) due to thermal bridging from the wood studs. How does this impact the buildings energy performance?
➡ When looking at a 38,000 sq. ft. multifamily in U.S. climate zone 5:
- De-rated R-Value: R17.9 compared to assumed R22 without Thermal Bridging
- Heating Demand Delta: 23,800 kBTU/yr
- Heating Load Delta: 9,000 BTU/h
- Source Energy Delta: 4,678 kWh/yr
Stay tuned as we are showing you the shocking results when replacing wood studs with aluminum studs.
The de-rated (or adjusted) insulation value of a wall due to thermal bridging through wood studs is calculated by accounting for the proportion of the wall area occupied by the studs and the lower thermal resistance of the studs compared to the insulation.
