Develop an interdisciplinary team with an ethos to build intentional spaces of the highest standards and performance resulting in a positive impact to the environment, mental health, and special needs.
Establish an industry standard branded Positive Impact Homes that will positively impact Veterans with PTSD and children with special needs while taking ownership to curb suicide.
The Positive Impact Home pillars of Affordable, Durability, Efficiency, Therapeutic, Innovative and Wellness will measure each process and product used to build intentional spaces for the end user.
The 2020 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report stated “46,510 American adults died from suicide in 2018, including 6,435 U.S. Veterans. Suicide continues to increase in the U.S. adult population. The average number of suicide deaths per day continues to increase within the general population. The average rose from 86.6 per day in 2005 to 124.4 in 2017 and 127.4 in 2018.” Access national survey at https://mchb.hrsa.gov/chscn/pages/prevalence.htm The National Center for PTSD published their PTSD Research Quarterly Volume 28/NO. 4 with subheading “Point: PTSD increased risk for death from suicide. It highlighted “Although few studies have examined the association between PTSD and suicide among civilian samples, the work that has been done has documented consistent evident for a strong association, even while accounting for pre-existing psychiatric omorbidity (Gradus et al., 2010; Gradus et al., 2015). Access quarterly report at https://www.ptsd.va.gov/publications/rq_docs/V28N4.pdf Centers of Disease Control and Prevention showed in their Disability Impacts All of Us infographic that 26% (1 in 4) of adults in the United States have some type of disability. Percentage of adults with functional disability types include 13.7% mobility, 10.8% cognition, 6.8% independent living, 5.9% hearing, 4.6% vision, and 3.7% self-care. View infographic and references at: ww.cdc.gov/disabilities/
The National Survey of Children with Special Heath Care Needs (NS-CSHCN) survey reported, “a total of 12.8 percent of children under age 18 in the United States, or about 9.4 million children, are estimated to have special health care needs. Children with special health care needs are present in 20 percent of U.S. households with children.” Source: ttps://mchb.hrsa.gov/chscn/pages/prevalence.htm
In Texas, the impact of the winter storm rapidly increased the conversation on how to build homes that will withstand power grid failures and freezing temperatures while being affordable, durable, and efficient to the public. In addition, Covid-19 exacerbated the discussion on the impact of mental health and wellness during a pandemics and disasters.
The building industry across the United States has developed energy efficiency standards, indoor air quality requirements, and green building practices to distinguish new construction. Positive Impact
Homes goes further by building intentional spaces for the end user concerned with mental health and wellness in collaboration with affordability, durability, and efficiency.
Source: Positive Impact Homes, Santa Fe, TX