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  • Stefan Goebel

Buildings don't have to be giant radiators! 

Thermal bridging occurs when a conductive material (concrete, wood, steel – usually structural) passes without interruption between the interior and exterior of a building.

Thermal bridging is remedied by creating a ‘thermal break’. 

Passive buildings are thermal bridge free and Phius certification only allows for some thermal bridging if a solution cannot be provided by a better detail.

Project shown: ‘Aquatower’ Chicago, IL. During the construction of this project, the thermal breaks were value engineered out. The result is a giant radiator heating this skyline of Chicago.

The infrared image of the Aquatower showing heat loss at each balcony

Thermal bridging can also pose moisture issues if the dew point temperature is not addressed properly.

Want to learn more? 

Register for our Phius 101 (entry level) 


Phius 102 (advanced Passive House level) 


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