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Architects, Builders, Consultants and Material Vendors will benefit from this; a free tool to provide the project team with climate and cost optimized specs. for high performance buildings.

Stefan Goebel

Simply enter the project location and conditioned floor area to receive Window U-Value as well as Roof, Wall, Slab R-Values and Mechanical Ventilation efficiencies that can be used as a starting point for discussion. From there, the whole building energy model will add more insight and detail to fine tune the building envelope and mechanical systems.

➡ Check out this comparison between New York, Colorado, California and Texas. How does Phius sets these values and how do they compare to IECC 2018 Commercial and IECC 2018 Residential requirements? Stay tuned as we are diving deeper.

➡ The Phius Core Prescriptive 2021 Snapshot can be Found here

➡ Follow BuildZeroConsulting for more high performance building content.

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